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GN 618 Indexing Plungers
GN 618 Indexing Plungers
Unit of Measure
Items GN 618 Indexing Plungers
GN 618 Indexing Plungers
GN 618 Indexing Plungers
GN 618 Indexing Plungers
GN 618 Indexing Plungers
GN 618 Indexing Plungers
Weight N/A 30 g N/A 44 g N/A 44 g
L N/A 18.00 mm N/A 22.50 mm N/A 27.00 mm
D N/A 21 mm N/A 25 mm N/A 31 mm
l N/A 22.00 mm N/A 26.00 mm N/A 34.00 mm
l1 min. N/A 5 mm N/A 6 mm N/A 8 mm
Preload N/A 7 N N/A 9 N N/A 12 N
Max. Load N/A 17 N N/A 24 N N/A 30 N
d -0.02 -0.04 N/A 5 mm N/A 6 mm N/A 8 mm
d1 h9 N/A 12 mm N/A 14 mm N/A 18 mm
End Pressure Initial-Final N/A