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S-5-N Mini Clamp

S-5-N Mini clamps were designed with S-5! zero-penetration technology for application on the popular 1″ nail strip metal roof profiles: Taylor Metals’ Easy Lock, ASC Building Products’ Skyline Roofing, McElroy Metals’ Meridian, New Tech Machinery’s FF100 and roofing types with similar profiles. This makes the S5-N-Mini clamp a popular choice for direct solar attachments when used with the S5 Universal PV Grab and Edge Grab products. Note: The S-5-PV Direct Attachment Solutions fits only S-5! Mini clamps, NOT standard clamps.

The S-5-N Mini is a bit shorter than the S-5-N and has one setscrew rather than two. The Mini is the choice for attaching all kinds of rooftop accessories: signs, walkways, satellite dishes, antennas, rooftop lighting, lightning protection systems, solar panel arrays, exhaust stack bracing, conduit, condensate lines, mechanical equipment - just about anything!

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