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Burndy BGBS-5 Aluminum Lay-in Lug - Sold in Packs of 10 Pieces

Burndey BGBS5 lay-in lugs are made of high strength aluminum alloy, these items can be used with copper or aluminum conductors. The connectors are for use with solar modules with a maximum thickness of 1/4 inches. Both are electro-tin plated and provided with stainless steel hardware.

The serrations establish better contact and cut through oxidation, ensuring low contact resistance and high conductivity. The anodization on aluminum rails is non-conductive and electrical current cannot pass through this layer; the cup point screw penetrates this layer allowing current to flow into the aluminum connector and consequently, current flows to the conductor.

Features and Benefits:
- Made of high strength aluminum alloy
- Electro-Tin plated
- Stainless steel hardware
- Cup point screw that penetrates anodization
- Lay-in feature
- Conductor size - Copper: 14 AWG - 6 AWG STR./SOL.
- Conductor Size - Aluminum: 12 AWG - 6 AWG STR./SOL.
- Serrations in conductor wire way cuts through oxidation
- For applications with 1/4 inch thick solar panels and other flat steel structures
- UL467 Listed for Grounding and Bonding
- UL2703 Listed

Technical Documents:

Unit of Measure


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