Actuators and Integrated Systems

CR - Outdoor Multi-Point Compression Latch
(50) This cost-effective multi-point latching system, specifically designed for outdoor applications with gasket seals, doesn't compromise on style, performance, or security. It features a low-profile handle, offers installation flexibility, and allows for adjustable fit, ensuring an attractive appearance and dependable performance for a range of enclosures, including those used in telecom, electronics, and industrial settings. /Asset/cr-19-21-35-1000x1000.jpg
F2 - Multi-Point Latching Systems
(18) Designed for indoor applications, this latching system is positioned outside the gasket seal, near the door's edge. It offers lever action and remote compression in a compact space. This system allows for stylish enclosure designs by using concealed latching mechanisms, with only a slim-profile handle visible outside the enclosure. /Asset/f2rod.jpg
E2 - Hidden Panel-Latching Systems
(16) The Southco E2 refers to a range of hidden panel-latching systems produced by Southco, a company known for its innovative solutions in the field of latches and access hardware. These systems are designed to provide discreet and concealed latching mechanisms for various applications, contributing to a clean and sleek appearance in the overall design. /Asset/e2-55-102-10-1000x1000.jpg
H3 - Swinghandle Multi-Point System
(268) This enhanced modular design provides exceptional flexibility within an aesthetically pleasing and ergonomically designed low-profile package that adheres to industry-standard panel preparation requirements. With multiple offset cams, multi-point latching, and various locking and non-locking options, configuring it for cost-effective solutions is made simple. /Asset/h3-60-177-044-1000x1000.jpg
M3 - Multi-Point Compression Latching Systems
(34) The M3 system employs multiple over-center latch mechanisms to deliver consistent compression along the entire edge of an enclosure door. It offers a variety of stylish flush-handle actuators to choose from and can be installed to meet industry standards for environmental or EMC sealing applications. /Asset/m3-40-101-25-1000x1000.jpg